
Ultra High Speed Partition Inserter

Source: Wayne Automation Corp
Once again, Wayne Automation Corporation is first in Partitioning Technology with its latest entry to the market, the SF-400UHS
At speeds unheard of before from any U.S. packaging equipment manufacturer, this Partition Inserter that can run a RELIABLE 46 cpm.

Based on the glass industry's favorite inserter, the SF-400VHS, the new UHS incorporates clever engineering design modifications to make easy work of increased throughput. By inserting two partitions simultaneously, the machine doubles case throughput in one machine cycle.

The UHS gets its additional speed by utilizing two separate magazines and partition pick off stations thus considerably shorting transporting time to the insertion heads. The UHS also offers greater control of cases coming through the conveyor by utilizing a flight bar system.

Wayne Automation Corp, 605 Gen. Washington Ave., Norristown, PA 19403. Tel: 610-630-8900; Fax: 610-630-6116.