
Milk Bottle Decorating

Source: Stanpac, Inc.
After entering the bottle business, we recognized a trend towards printing directly on the milk bottles (this is known as Applied Ceramic Labeling or ACL).
After entering the bottle business, we recognized a trend towards printing directly on the milk bottles (this is known as Applied Ceramic Labeling or ACL).

Adding state-of-the-art printing equipment allowed for a higher quality product at reduced unit costs which encouraged our fluid milk customer base to switch to printed containers. High quality printing and a unit cost that keeps the entire package below the deposit placed on the container, have helped to encourage the growth of this product. A decorated refillable bottle is easily used to position products as premium and value-added.

Today, printed bottles represent close to 90% of the refillable glass market and we have brought in additional printing equipment to keep up with the ever increasing demand for premium packaging in the dairy industry.

Stanpac, Inc., PO Box 584, Lewiston, NY 14092. Tel: 905-957-3326; Fax: 905-957-3616.