EnviroPAK's 12-Bottle Beverage Shipper
EnviroPAK's 12-Bottle Shipper, for mixed bottle sizes, was designed to provide beverage subscription services with strong, functional, nestable, recyclable, biodegradable interior packaging produced from recycled, post consumer materials. The use of molded paper pulp, as interior packaging for fragile glass beverage bottles, to be shipped via parcel services where the package would be subjected to rough handling and severe shipping conditions, was unprecedented. In addition, the requirement that the package accommodate mixed bottle sizes, both diameter and height, required careful consideration to assure that each bottle would be restrained, regardless of the position of the shipping case, right side up, upside down, or any other possible position, to avoid the breakage which would occur if one bottle struck another.
This molded paper pulp interior packaging, when used with a standard corrugated shipping case, has successfully passed ISTA prescribed vibration and drop testing, many times in ISTA certified testing laboratories.
Although the cost of the molded paper pulp is only slightly less than the cost of the molded EPS foam interior packaging, which it replaces; significant economies are available with the use of molded paper pulp parts due to the fact that the parts can be nested. The result is that, for the same number of parts, approximately 50% less volume is required for shipping and storage of the molded paper pulp product, before it is used in packaging, compared to the EPS product.
The molded paper pulp parts protect the product - usually beer - very well and have been easily integrated into the manual packaging lines of the beverage subscription services using the product at this time.
As a recycled and recyclable part, replacing large blocks of EPS foam, the use of this product has been a major plus in the user's marketing activities.
The use of EnviroPAK's molded paper pulp responds extremely well to all of the essential environmental issues. The raw materials that EnviroPAK uses are post-consumer recycled newsprint. The newsprint is mixed with water, in the pulping operation. No additives of any kind are used; therefore, the resulting product is 100% recyclable and 100% biodegradable just like the recycled newsprint from which it is made. It satisfies our customer's desire to use environmentally sound packaging, which was being demanded by their customers and required by several states.
EnviroPAK Corporation, 4135 Galley Court, Earth City, MO 63045. Tel: 314-739-1202; Fax: 314-739-2422.